WoWWoWWoWWoWWoWWoWWoWWoW (A Brief Update)

Mar 07, 2005 23:47

Not much to say. I went to school, learned little, did physics extra credit and bought the player's guide for World of Warcraft because I'm a dork who likes that sort of thing. :X I am sosorry it was very expensive and made my soul dirty a little bit, I think. I'm reading it now.

I am evil.

I keep on helping people with quests in WoW so I haven't been able to devote much time to leveling myself up, though I'm almost at level 15 now. I think next time I get on I'll do some solo-ing to build up my character a bit. Susanna made the undead guild complete, and we've gotten quite a few members already. The upper echelon is called the Blackguard, which amuses me because it was a rank at a text-based RPG I used to play at. I felt quite lame being excited about that, but it's okay! :D All is forgiven in the eyes of the God of Lame. I think. I've never actually met Him/Her/It before. :| It is very depressing!

Hutch, we need to make up my new computer soon. Like, way soon. Because the lag on WoW is hindering my progress and you know what, this entire LJ entry has been about WoW. OMG i r suhc an addiktd jerkyjerk i am ghey an stuf guise :((((((

It's very tough trying forcing yourself to realize that you can't have something that you really, truly want, I've discovered. Tough and painful.

That's about it! Very brief, I know, but I'm very tired and I have WoW on the brain and I should really sleep shouldn't I? Why yes, I should g'night.

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