Dec 19, 2005 06:49
New Page 1
Merry Christmas?
Uh oh.. Now I've gone and done it. I've used THOSE WORDS.. the
Liberal PC media is actively making it a no-no to say.. Merry Christmas?? How
many people have I offended?!??! All the other religions! All the unfaithful!
Animals! Trees! Plants! Dirt! Oh dear! I am going to burn in hell.
Happy Holidays!
...oh CRAP! I did it again! What's that you say? Happy Holidays
is PC? I'm okay with that? Hmm.. Lets examine this a little further.
Holiday.. derivative of the words HOLY-DAY. Uh oh... I think they made a
mistake! Happy Holidays=Happy Days of God .. HAH! Again I have offended
the same people!
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.