ok, so last week im all drunk checking my email and i was reading one that i almost deleted. It was from monster, but it was a request from an employer for me to submit an application. Well I figured it has to be a shitty ass job, and I'm already at a pretty cool one...but I figured whatever, and pursued it. So it turns out to be a CS/Medical Associate for the American Society of Radiologic Technologists on Central and Tramway here in Duke City!!!!!!!! (
www.asrt.org... i know, i fuckin rock!) A company I really wanted to work for (for over a year now) and have applied before but had NO qualifications and just did it for fun. Well it turns out they kept my resume over the year and emailed me when something came up, because and i quote " i was a young professional looking for a career."
So, I went through 2 interviews, and have basically 2 weeks to quit my current job. (gotta give them 2 weeks notice tonight). That means no more graveyard shifts, AND 4$/hr MORE than what I'm currently making! Big raise! Also, I have to move to the city, so no more fucking country bullshit, which I not miss. But i found a NIIIIIIIIIIICE, big ass house on TRAMWAY (i know, luxury!) for rent, that will allow my 3 dogs. I will be able to afford it with this new job, and this is the first time in my life im fucking PROUD of myself.
I had to go through a lot within the last week even just to land this job after they contacted me... stories i will one day laugh and tell to friends, but it was frustrating at the time... One lesson learned here is, you can do whatever the fuck you want, whether you think you can or not. I NEVER thought id get a job at this company, (which i have been into for awhile). Now I get to go into work tonight and give a 2 week notice, SO i can work for this company.