Mar 30, 2004 17:42
just popping up a quick update. so after i updated last night, jamie called and we went over to shannon's place for some gissas missask action. the three of us talked about smoker's ettiquiette and how no one out here has it. shitty for them, but cool we found eachother, or some shit like that. i got to say, i rule when it comes to taking hits off the mask. its great i just close my eyes and rip. im getting used to feeling like its going to rip my face off , though its still super intense. left shannon's place and watched bill and ted at jamies. always a great movie. went home and went to bed after that. yeah real exciting.
today was "oh shit i have to take the bus" tuesday. im just about to leave work, waiting for butts to pick me up. pretty good day. i'm getting more and more actually accomplished and not just started now. the clip books i slaved on for a long ass time came back from the binder and damn they look good.
as for tonight i think jamie and i are splitting an 1/8 so since its a holiday y'all can guess my plans for the rest of the evening.
side rant: BOXED WINE THURSDAYS BETTER PICK UP AGAIN. we seem to be gaining a good bit of recignition. random people at the oakwoods say they've heard of it, and we're pretty good at getting all those at the tubs to partake. my bosses even mention it on a semi regular basis (talked about it with both of them today). HOWEVER, THE PAST TWO WEEKS HAVE BEEN PRETTY DISSAPOINTING. BETWEEN NO BOX, AND HAVING LEFTOVERS, I'M NOT HAPPY. people say they will start coming more often and they better. we're finishing off the semester strong and showing these l.a. fucks how we do.