Two or so years ago, I gave up with Live Journal. On reflection I ask myself why? I have just sat and read through all of my old posts; most made me laugh, but the general vibe I get from them was that those were dark days for me. Not somewhere I really fancy going back to.
I like to think that as I've gotten older, I've gotten wiser; hopefully I'm a more rational person now and I definately think I have grown up into what I hope you perceive as a respectable young man.
A quick update on my life for those of you who have lost contact with me. In my last post on here, I was still with Beckie. That ended in March/April 2008 on fairly bad terms. Now though, we're actually pretty good friends. Although, I do think she still has feelings for me, as some times things she says gives me the impression that she regrets losing me and wants me back. That's not me getting ahead of myself, just how it looks from my point of view. I now work in central London, and have done for nearly 2 years now. I work in the IT department of a German bank, looking after their global finance networks and servers. It's slow work, but it's important. I generally work overnight, so if you see posts from 4am and such, I'm not an insomniac, just working! I have a girlfriend, her name is Olivia. We've been together over a year and we live together in our own flat. Sounds brilliant I hear you say - error. Everything was brilliant until about three weeks ago. Her uncle died, and ever since she's been pulling further and further away from me. The level of resentment now has gotten to such a point that I'm struggling to support her as I'm so down myself. I daresay I'll write a post about it soon enough. But that's a breif outline for you there.
I still ride bikes dangerously. I'm not so much into my art any more, which is a shame but I feel that college completely killed that for me!
I use Facebook and Twitter religiously. Follow, add, talk etc etc.
That's all for the time being, but I'm going to be around on here again now! Take care and whatnots. X