Oh hey, I forgot, I got confirmation that I got my first choice of schedule for college :) YEY. *death*
Well, being the aspiring animator I am, I am going to rant.
Grrr, all this anti-2D stuff is really pissing me off. Like, there's this ad for IMVU avatars and what have you, and it's like, "graduate from 2D". D: I suppose I can understand in an instance like that, because you want the avatar to look like you or whatever, but still. We live in a 3D world and we're in the third dimension all the time, I personally like 2D for a little change of pace!
I mean, what's the big deal about 3D anyway? The more lifelike it is, the more you can pretend that you're a part of it? What's the appeal? I mean, yeah, it's pretty (usually), and sure it's a big jump in terms of what technology can accomplish, but I don't see why it's considered "evolved", or "better" than 2D.
Although, granted, I prefer 3D for more interactive media, like video games. Where you can actually control what your character is doing. Simulation and whatnot. But for non-interactive things that you just watch, like movies, I generally prefer 2D.
And now, for a rant on a slightly different tangent...
It's also frustrating that essentially the only 2D animation nowadays is either those shitty ass cartoons or anime. And, as much as (some) anime is awesome and all that, the style doesn't usually call for much complexity in terms of actually animating it. Some series are better than others, but some they just sit there. For like, 2 minutes. While someone is talking in the background. That's kind of what bothers me about... oh, say, "Full Metal Panic!". No complexity. Just basically still shots and sound clips. "Full Metal Alchemist" on the other hand has some pretty badass fight scenes and I've seen some semi-complicated animation there. Am I saying animation is judged by how complex it is? Not necessarily. But you gotta admit, little to no movement in comparison to movement that flows... well, I know which one I prefer.
Bah, I don't even remember what my original point is. I'm just rambling, not writing a persuasion paper. >:(
I'm bored, if you couldn't tell.
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/56420505/ EEEEMOOOOOOO. D: