Jan 11, 2007 22:06
Changed my journal format. I wanted to get an awesome background but that could take hours, so I'll leave that for another night. ^^
Man. I can remember when I was like, "YAY SCHOOL" and "YAY REHEARSAL". And now I sit here like... "what the hell was I THINKING?!" Gah. I strongly dislike both at the moment. School is boring and I'm falling asleep in practically every class, and rehearsal is guh. But hey, we're making great progress, so I guess that's a really good thing.
I suppose it's just the end-of-semester blues or something. It'll get better. And I get to go to a movie tomorrow and we get Monday off. :D Yay!
I finished eXiled 36 yesterday.
Someone is snoring in the other room and it's really loud. x3
Project Runway didn't come today. Nor did my RMCAD acceptance letter. *pout*
I'm going to sleep. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
twelfth night,