Two Names You Go By:
1. Kaycie
2. Kay-say
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Green tank top
2. Yellow pajama pants that don't match said green tank top
Two Things You Want in a Relationship:
1. Stability/happiness
2. Little things like hugs or kisses or saying "I love you".
... I'm assuming by 'relationship' it meant romantic relationships.
Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. Drawing
2. Computer time, huzzah!
Two Things You Want Really Badly:
1. Good health and happiness for all!
2. The ability to teleport
Two pets you have/had (bah, only two? hrm... I'll do my old cats):
1. Scamper
2. Cuddles
Two Favorite Sports (ew... oh fine):
1. Archery
2. Figure skating
Two people who will fill this out:
1. Your mom
2. Whoever wants to
Two things you did last night:
1. Gah... o_O;; ummmm... my interior drawing
2. Internet, yo.
Two Favorite Places to eat:
1. Famous Dave's
2. Olive Garden
Two People that live in your house:
1. My mom
2. My animals
Two things you like about yourself:
1. My empathy/sympathy complex
2. My drawing ability
Two things you ate today:
1. Cake
2. Broccoli (not with said cake X3)
Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Risha (online)
2. Jill (online) ^^
Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Going to MCAD for private college week thing in the morning
2. Staying at MCAD for class o_O;;;
Two people close to your heart:
1. My friends! (change it to 2 genres of people -.-)
2. My mom ^-^
Two Longest car rides:
1. Car ride to Northfork Ranch o_O;;; Took like a week
2. Car ride to Chicago
Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Christmas
2. Halloween
Not much happened today. Finished my interior drawing in the morning. Then I went to Bethany's grad party. I was the first one there, so I helped make lemonade and inflate balloons. :3 Then people came and it was fun. Pip showed us his outrageous sunburn XD
Yep, s'about it.
Tomorrow I get to get up extra-early and go to MCAD for the private college tour thing. That's over at about 11:45 and then I have an hour and a half to kill before class. The only bad thing about this plan is that I have to lug my big honkin' portfolio around during the tour thing o_O;; MWAAAARGH. Oh well.
So yeah, anyone who's considering going to MCAD or any other private college in Minnesota, go register to visit at!