Dec 04, 2005 20:19
Did some more shopping today. Returned to the Mall and all that o_O Got Patti (Chad's girlfriend) a Minnesota Gophers hockey jersey, got Kathy a piano book that she's never going to use, and got Abbie's present, like, hopefully :O And we saw this HUGE awesome stuffed husky at Air Traffic and both mom and I wanted it but we didn't get it and I cried and things. ;_;
Man, know what I wanna do? I wanna read some old sci-fi classics, like Farenheit (sp?) 451, Anthem, and Brave New World. :D I like those books. That was like, as geeky as I got with books like, ever. XD But I'll probably wind up starting up The Da Vinci Code again. And I need to finish reading Mirrors of Glass, too. o_O
Ha. I'm putting my egg in gelatin. Hopefully it'll bounce. :3
... feel free to interpret that last sentence however you please. o_O;;