Ah smell lika fool.

Sep 10, 2005 22:48

King's Fair was today. Ugh, gag me. It was worse than Highland Fest -horribly boring and there were so many creepy people there, including this psychopath that used to work with my mom at HealthPartners. And practically no one stopped by, except for a bunch of stupid little kids that kept coming back and teasing Hazel... argh. I hate kids. Saw Erin there, though. And I inhaled helium for the first time in my life, too! It was so awesome, I said things all chipmunk-y XD

Mom was cranky as hell after it was all over, but at least we ordered Davanni's (turns out they ARE in our delivery area, huzzah) cuz she didn't want to cook anything. :P YAYDAVANNI'SWHOO.

And then I watched the premiere of Naruto on Cartoon Network, just cuz everyone on DA's like, "omfgnArUtOLOLZZZ!!!~!~" and I wanted to see if it was any good (I did the same with FullMetal Alchemist and wasn't disappointed). Personally, Naruto failed to impress me. It seems to me it's another one of them extremely overrated animes like InuYasha. x_x Oh well.

On an unrealted note, PLEASE EFFING READ THIS ;_;


If you're a DA member, PLEASE GO VOTE (preferably for me because you love me). I'm begging you. Even though I don't stand a chance, cuz all the other entries are awesome. And everyone is going to vote for #9 cuz it's ANIME OMGZ!!1~!~! >_<

But yeah. ;_;

OK, I gotta go do my SwyftClaw entry now. Bye!

king's fair, naruto, contest, deviantart, pizza

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