'Allo children.
I had a dream that I was at Hogwarts and Snape locked Harry in this weird chamber thing, and we had to get him out. We had this huge party in the Great Hall, and everyone kept hating on Snape, but I alone defended him.
Damn Snape, I'm obviously getting a soft spot for him.
My waking hours were spent on the computer, as usual. I discovered this AWESOME website -
http://www.potterpuppetpals.com - it's an absolute riot. TOTAL ABSOLUTE. I watched "Bothering Snape" and positively died of laughter. Amazing and totally humorous Flash movies. Go check it out, it's awesome. :D
Lesse. And then I started on my contest entry for Risha's contest (
http://risha.deviantart.com). And I finished Harry Potter 6 for the second time today. I still get all angsty and emotional after the ending. ;_;
Whee, a post devoted entirely to Harry Potter. o_O;;; Must not become obsessed. But I must watch "Bothering Snape" again. *runs off*