Yeah so I'm cleaning up my list.....

Sep 16, 2004 07:43

I don't know... people on here are just annoying me. If you're not interesting or aren't benefitting the world any, then why do I have you on here? Honestly. Most of your entries offend me, or the are so pointless and meaningless I don't care to wanna listen anymore. I'm not cool, and I don't have as many friends as I used to any more. Yet at least I know I can be myself, and don't have to be that gross and disrespectful person I once was. There aren't good people anymore, and it's sad. You can't turn and say, "look that person is someone I could trust and be proud of." Because honestly no one is like that. I don't want anything to do with anyone where sex & partying is just an everyday entry. I hate both those things, and it's sad for it to be made out to be such a joke. So yeah... Read this, and I hope it benefits some of you...

So this show...

It was on the Family HBO channel. It was the cutest thing where they interviewed kids with certain disabilities to show others it's okay to be different. This thing was so cute and just made you feel warm. I only wished I could have seen it when I was younger. No matter how many friends or acquaintances I had. I never really felt in place. Truth be told.... I know I don't belong in a group or a scene or even with a large crowd. Maybe it's not like that for everyone, yet it's like this for me....

Anyways my point....

Society is like a manufacturing line for the human embodiment. Plain and simple. We as people never acknowledge what paths we are leading ourselves on. People and the media throw our ideas of clothes on us, the music we should listen to, how we should act, and sadly most of our mentality in rights and wrongs. It's sad to say you cannot find a respectable person these days. Of course you can find someone tight. I hate that word, but it's the only way I can say it.

Honestly... can you really look back and say you respect those people getting wasted at parties or someone who is so sexually degrading? Do you think anyone would want to marry that person or have a relationship with a girl that curses in every other sentence and likes to flaunt? Honestly I know if I were of the male persona, I would not want that to be with me. I would want something that makes me proud. Same way being a girl. It took me a long time to realize what I had with Joel. Yet he's the most respectable man I know. He's also helped to mold me into who I am now....

Sex, drugs, cigarettes, music... It's all just being part of a crowd. Sad to say it's a gross one that I would never want to be a part of again. It's just I'm 18, and I read my peer's journal entries, and I'm totally turned off by everything they say. I'm the same age you are, and I could never enjoy the things you do. I'd rather live in boredom than diminish my self-respect.

Now on to my final point....

If you don't feel like something is right. Don't do it. Don't listen to what others say. Don't do what makes you feel cool or good. Just do what is right. Be different. It's okay. Why do people have to make you feel good when you can't even do it for yourself? I've learned that I would rather sit in my room and read a book instead of being around 10 people that I just had to change for. You have to start with yourself before moving on to be with the world. 18 is young, yet is destroying your life worth living for. I say this out of concern for people I care about and once was close to....
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