Title: All My Best
Author: Purpleyin
Rating: K+
Spoilers: Implied past 2x07
Summary: It is an utter mystery to her, who would do such a thing? For the primeval100 Ladies of Primeval challenge.
It sits on her desk, a shiny gold envelope with a concise script noted across it saying simply "Jenny".
She strides across quickly, heels clicking against the floor, curious who it's from. She's received enough scrawled post-it notes to tell the handwriting isn't Nick Cutter's.
Tearing across the top she swiftly removes the contents and finds a simple yet stylish card, proclaiming "Best wishes on your birthday, from Abby". No "love", no false sentimentality, just a simple gesture that says the girl cares - but it's the first thing to bring a true smile to her lips for weeks.