OMG frakking hell. 1) w00t, Mohinder isn't as dumb as he'd appeared by buying into Zane 2) Damnit, Sylar isn't as easy to capture as Mohinder made it looks. Though "Duh" because otherwise he'd be dead or still imprisoned still and Papa Sureshm plus Eden wouldn't be dead. Part of me wants to read fic where Sylar taunts and plays mind games with Mohinder post the breaking free, including over the matter of Eden's death (is a little bit of a Eden/Mohinder gal).
I do wonder if Candice is like a replacement for Eden. Obviously different power, but if they'd not beenr equired to cut Eden out of the story, how would it be shaping up now? Anyway, yay to finally seeing Linderman, not to mention Niki getting out a little once in a while in a very useful way. Shame Nathan's choices are so limited, but what did he expect? *wonders if the meeting was in the kitchen because Linderman has ways (powers?) of finding out about the plan of his* with what Linderman is up to I'm figuring he's either behind the powers manifesting about 6 mnoths ago as everyone suggests or he just happens to be a powerful guys with powers of his own who wants to protect his people using Nathan politically.
Also, with Grandma Petrelli knowing all (both her sons have powers...) and protecting Claire, who's betting she has powers too? I wonder if she was ever involved in the paper business - what if she was who Claude was protecting, mother having more in common with Peter than we've seen? (How long ago was that btw?) My mind goes crazy places with that, like what if Daddy Petrilli isn't the father of either of her sons. God, that'd make Claude/Peter slash so wrong LOL and yeah she'd have to have been involved with Claude way further back than just that flashback since Nathan must be 30 something... Not impossible but fairly unlikely twist. Either way, I reckon chances are that for the Petrelli's at least one of their parents had/has a power given how well it runs in the family.
Oh and since Peter's powers sort of rely on him calling up on emotions of others, wonder if that'll be rather difficult whilst he's having his brains cut open? I figure once he's gotten over the initial pain he'll get to healing but man that must've hurt with how he screamed. A bit more practice and maybe he can just keep healing on call because seriously, that and invisibility are the most commonly useful powers. Oooh and since he's in Sylar's presence - how long before he gets a headache from the new power Sylar picked up when pretending to be Zane? Last question, relating to Peter's powers. So, he has to call upon emotions/memories relating to the people who have the powers, but does he feel those emotions when using the power?I only ask because when Peter turned up all stormily to see Isaac, he was using telekinesis and his general demeanor reminded me of Sylar quite a lot...