Because I figured a) I want shiny new fandom flisters and b) I thought maybe existing SGesque people might like to make new friends (nudges
blackydragon who's currently getting into SG-1 in particular) I did the SG friending meme.
And here I am a
PIMPIN'G it. You go. You comment. You get some (more) likeminded friends.
I added meself, predictably forgetting a number of key other fandoms I love (apologies to BSG, Lost, Dexter, The X Files/Lone Gunmen and Farscape).
And in other, but sad, news - the gateship was lost. I'm currently cursing either GIMP for crashing or
fuskyb's lack of RAM. Sure he saved the file but the program saved a corrupt version over the top when it crashed. Grrr. It was looking so fantastic, I nearly cried when I found out.