Title: Inheritance
Author: Purpleyin
Rating: K+
Spoilers: Just for Season one, I believe, as most is a complete fill of her history.
Summary: Written for
celtic_sky as part of the Teyla ficathon with the request of Teyla, the child who became a leader.
A/N: Thanks to fififolle for betaing and a very very big thanks to
fanwoman for her beta’s of this, which have
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I'd really love to see what take the writers have on this, as they must have official Teyla backstory worked out and it would be good to know how they explain a 20 something woman leading when surely there would have been older perhaps more experience people in the tribe/clan/whatever they call their group. I can accept that she was possibly more qualified than most if she had been trained up for the position but I've always wanted a definite explanation of exactly how they think it all works - for example did her grandfather/mother lead them? In fact, though she calls herself by daughter of Tegan maybe he wasn't a leader and it's just traditional to introduce yourself that way around Pegasus or within the Athosians. There's so much that is unknown about her people.
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