other than that, it was pretty dismal.
Dr. Paul didn't get to speak for the first half-hour, every other candidate got a chance to speak about immigration during that time. even the candidates who are polling lower than paul got to speak on this legitimate campaign issue.
finally, about 35 minutes in, a question for the good doctor. I'd link the youtube video of it but it's been mysteriously "removed". it asked if RP believed in the "North American Union" conspiracy like his nutjob supporters do. WTF. everyone else gets to talk policy, but paul gets to be labeled a kook once again. k thanx CNN. RP talked about the Trans-Texas corridor and how this could to other things, but CNN said after the debate that it was a myth. ummmmmmmm kay. sure. how about you ask a fucking Texan about that. oh wait, RP is a Texan.
every other candidate gets to air their campaign video during the two hours. except RP, whose video doesn't get played until they've run over their time and the TiVo has stopped recording. in fact, RP again gets ignored for a full half hour. when they finally come back to him at the very end, he gets another asshole question that states, "Everyone knows that you can't win the Republican nomination, so will you run independent instead?" WTF. no one questioned anyone else's viability as a candidate. seriously, fuck you CNN.
Issues RP wasn't asked questions on: Immigration, Economy, War in Iraq, Religion, Second Amendment, National Debt, "Don't Ask Don't Tell" (Gay Rights), Social Security, and Yankees/Red Sox Baseball (WTF does that have to do with the presidency????)
Issues RP was asked questions on: North American Union/Trans-Texas Corridor, Taxes (limited to yes/no answer about raising them), Federal Program Cuts, Abortion, American Infrastructure, and the viability of his candidacy
So, yeah. I didn't really believe in a media conspiracy before this, but wow, this made me wonder. Usually I just think the media is uninformed and more concerned with ratings and sensationalism than fair, balanced news, but this... was deliberate. They didn't let Dr. Paul speak on any of the issues that his platform is based on. If they'd give a no-chance candidate like Tancredo time to pontificate about illegal immigration, which is the most important issue in Tancredo's platform, why couldn't they let Paul talk about economics or the war? Stupid stupid stupid gah.