Jul 05, 2004 11:03
good fireworks last night...
saw some people I didn't think I would! (they even offered me food.. too bad it was a hot dog)
talked to some GW people! Called Elo and chatted and got messages from some other 5th floorers. Overall, a pretty decent day. Today I am enjoying the entire no work thing since the rest of the week i'm in and i'm working reception and that means i'm stuck at a desk all day but 1 hour. I can't even walk around the desk... i just sit there and pray that the phone rings so that i have something to do. BUT i got a few new books so i'm going to use this time to read.
Today I'm taking my bro and maybe one of his friends to lunch if anyone is intersted in saving me. If no one can come maybe we'll go to old towne so atleast nicki will be serving us! And if it isn't too disgusting out I may go to westport with kel. we'll see!!