Apr 11, 2006 17:20
I'm coming home TOMORROW AFTERNOON. Here's the plan:
WED 12th: finish up stuff here in Sydney, then (assuming no further comoplications), drive home in afternoon
THUR 13th: quiet day catching up with family and friends
FRI 14th: GOOD FRIDAY - older brother, his wife and 1 yo nephew arrive for 3 days
SUN 16th: EASTER SUNDAY - Cam, Simon and Luci arrive at my house... ETD(Syd)1600 ETA(Wchp)2000-2100, then change cars to mine and begin drive to Noosa
MON 17th: Noosa
TUES 18th: Noosa
WED 19th: Noosa
THUR 20th: Noosa
FRI 21st: Noosa - perhaps leaving that night??
SAT 22nd: hope to see Sarah for her 18th
SUN 23rd: supposed to be auditioning for musical... we'll see how that goes :P
So that's what's happening. CALL ME IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING!!!
Take care, much love,