Yesterday, my hermit clan (aka Sean, Caitlin and Justone) and I went and hung out at the Albertson's Shopping Center! Twas very fun!
<3 dA bRiTz
It all started with Justine and I meeting Caitlin at Carl's Jr. Our adventure was about to begin...
The Carl's Jr. Security Cam is very suspicious....If you look closely, you will see me taking the picture!
Who is that cool girl walking out of Carl's Jr??? Ah yes, thats mwa!
Haha! No, thats not a statue! Thats Caity-O!
The Real Teenage Drama Queen!
True, this could be just an ordinary Papa John's Ad to you, but it reminded me of Theatre, which I miss dearly right now!
Geoffrey the Girraffe took a *vErY sPeCiAL* liking to Justine and Caitlin....
I myself was abducted by monkeys!
Here we are in.....THE GIRL'S ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Would you like to put some Psycho Silicone in your hair????!!! (I wouldnt trust something that they put in breasts for hair!)
Instead of Starbucks, Caitlin suggested we try "Moo-Lattes" from Dairy Queen. Ewww! They liked it, but me and Sean hated it! It tastes like whale blubber with wafers!
Ahhh, the luv of my life Sean! (A little stoned perhaps?)
Thats all folks!