take me to the finish line| Warehouse 13; Myka/H.G | 4900 words | r | for
effie214's prompt (540): Too late. I'm going over there. I'm a bad example for all women: Do as I say, not who I do at the
Texts From Last Night ficathon (
Pete I need you to keep me company tonight so I don't do what I've done for the past five nights in a row and booty call H.G Wells )
Also, your Helena and Pete are wonderful. I like how your Helena is both quietly assertive yet tenderly understanding of the fact that Myka needs to do this in her own time, at her own pace. And she even keeps her sense of humor and can laugh about it! Her deadpan “We can not have sex whenever you'd like,” she answers calmly. made me actually snort. And Pete is totally Myka's big brother, and it's just awesome.
Also, this:
“- Pete I need you to keep me company tonight so I don't do what I've done for the past five nights in a row and booty call H.G Wells,”
Will never, ever, ever, not be the best sentence ever in W13 lore.
Other things I liked:
“And I'm serious about the 'who I do' part,” she continues, pointing a finger at him - a gesture only Myka Bering can make seem threatening. “I hope you know your tongue down her throat is the furthest you're ever gonna get.” - Possessive, tipsy Myka is all sorts of win. And hilarious.
and then I just leave because I'm so scared of what this relationship has the potential to do to me. - This made me want to give Myka a big, huge hug.
Pete feels a happy grin take hold of his face - truth is he's a closest softie, especially where Myka's concerned - and he opens his arms, leaning in for a hug but Helena steps back, putting a hand solidly on his chest with a, “Whoa there,” (like he's a horse or something?) as she shakes her head.
“What? I thought we were having a moment?” Pete says defensively.
“Yes. I don't do moments Pete. But thanks anyway,” she tells him, turning quickly back into Myka's room and Pete could swear she actually just got more British than usual.--Because Helena-Pete interactions are also totally WIN, especially when Helena is being snootily British yet kind of sincere.
I'm really glad you felt like this is was true of Myka, because when I first started it was much more silly and fluffy and then it sort of changed on me and became a little deeper about Myka's feelings so I'm just glad it felt true to her character.
I'm so glad you like my Pete and Helena! I had so much fun writing them and I love them both as characters so I tried to do them justice.
And lol that booty call line. I'm not gonna lie, I wrote it and then spent like ten minutes giggling to myself. I'm glad it made you laugh too!
After the Helena/Pete interactions in Emily Lake/Stand I just want to see them in scenes together forever and ever. They are just so funny together!
Seriously, thank you for this comment, it absolutely makes my day getting to hear what people liked about my fic! <3
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