Dec 30, 2007 18:56
Okay, I know I said I wouldn't post after graduation and I was going to put this in MYSPACE until I remembered that I was friends with 2 co-workers and my boss...AWKWARD!
So deal with the glory of my awesome 2007 survey (that I stole from Ash)
Where did you begin 2007?
Kissing Jason in East Lansing
What was your status by Valentine's Day ?
Single and ready to mingle
Were you in school (at all) ?
At MSU from Jan to May
Did you have to go to the hospital?
Just to visit my mom who works there!
Did you have any encounters with the police ?
Nope not this year - - whoot whoot
Where did you go on vacation?
SB in Mexico, Road Trip to Chicago and Minni
did you purchase anything over $500?
lots of books, plane tickets, and a NEW CAR!
Did you know anybody who got married?
Yes Andy who I work with.
Did you know anybody who passed away?
My friend Michelle Lunn
Did you move anywhere?
From E. Lansing to Grand Rapids to Rochester Hills
What sporting events did you attend ?
MSU basketball , Tigers Baseball! Chicago Cubs
What concerts/shows did you go to ?
bonnaroo, pitchfork, lots of hard lessons
Where do you live now ?
Rochester Hills
What was your birthday like ?
it was just yesterday! 12am to 3am was a blast! Then dinner with the rents, pretty tame.
What's one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2007?
Working for corporate america and loving it!
What has been your favorite moment(s) ?
Catching a baseball at Tiger Stadium! Graduating from MSU!
What's something you learned about yourself ?
That I am stronger than I give myself credit.
What was your best month ?
What music will you remember 2007 by ?
Crazy Summer music featured on Saturday 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 And/Or NOW 26 which I just bought. AWESOME!
Made new friends ?
Joanna Kagey, Pat and rekindled the love with some ol peeps i know.
Favorite night out?
Joanna and I found the Spartan Bar in Chicago and it was ridiculous
and every time I saw Drew Naymick out or was at Crunchys with a BuCKET.
Any regrets ?
Fuck it - I'm so over regrets
What do you want to change in 2008 ?
keep discovery the glory that is myself.
Overall, how would you rate this year ?
What would you change about 2007 ?
The things that happened SUCKED but...(I wish there was a but).
What did you like most about 2007 ?
Getting my job offer
Do you have a New Year's resolution ?
get out of the apt. and work out 3 times a week bc my 5 yr High School Reunion is in 6 months----LOL!
Do anything embarrassing ?
Ah ha ha only 80% of the time so that works out to be about 8.5 monts of the year
Did you get sick this year ?
in more ways than 1
What are you wishing for in 2008 ?
new friends in metro D.