Nov 03, 2006 09:18
This has to be my most "Caroline"- ey entry ever...
I know i'm supposed to be typing my paper right now, but I looked outside and I saw the snow falling. No, not falling. Floating, drifting. I feel like I'm Jo in Little Women (lame I know but stay with me for a moment) When I look outside I I can't see the street or any cars. All I see is drifting snow and a tree who is still clinging to it's last few rusted orange leaves. I wish there was 2 feet of snow on the ground so that I could run across the street and go sledding with my neighbor friends. And then at the very moment when our noses are about to fall off, run inside and sit by (of course) a roaring fire with hot chocolate (the real stuff made from milk and not water and powder) with some of those medium sized little marshmallows (i never got to eat enough mallows in my life...that's one thing I regret) and then curl up on the floor with a big pillow and an even bigger blanket and watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas (cartoon version, of course.)
I think I'm ready for Christmas now...
only 51 Days
16 Hours
41 Minutestill Christmas!