Nov 09, 2010 03:06
My baby sister turned 21 a few days ago. 21! Jeeeesus, I can't believe it. I wanted to go out with her to the Big Bang, maybe hit up the Taproom...but, unfortunately, I had the stomach bug from hell, so I couldn't even properly celebrate with her. Seriously, worst virus ever. Started out bright and early with a headache so severe I thought I was going to throw up. And then I did throw up. Movement of any kind made me vomit. Then add in a high fever, which I couldn't bring down with medicine, because I couldn't KEEP it down. I hardly ever get sick, but man, when I do....
I really want to start writing and posting fanfics of my own, but I don't know how to settle the whirling conundrum of clashing ideas in my head. I wrote a couple chapters of what would have to become a pretty epic, broad-scoped piece to actually finish, but my problem is my strong d&d dungeon master mentality...I get ideas for brand-sparkly new characters, and I get this awesome interaction and bad-ass conflicts going in my head, and I just *have* to write them in. Thing is, I usually hate it when other people add in their own made-up characters, or, even worse, THEMSELVES...and I think the hypocrisy would kill me.
I also have to upload some of my artwork to go into my deviantart account...but I don't really know who would even look at any of my stuff. I don't have any fancy drawing programs, and I feel like most of my best stuff is found in the margins of old calculus assignments. Ah well. People don't have to look at my doodles if they don't want to, right? I do have some cool stuff to post that I am proud of, but I feel jealous of people who can work beautiful, beautiful magic with Paintshop Pro and Photoshop.
On another note, looks like I might have another modeling gig coming up! Which is good, because plasma donation is not a very reliable source of income. And also, turns out the guy who owns the fucking black porsche I have been seeing everywhere lately lives in my apartment complex. Or he turned in there just to fuck with me. Wouldn't put it past the smarmy bastard.