Aug 03, 2010 01:06
Last night, I found out that someone had taken out a credit card in my name in 2005, and was paying for it up until 2008, when they closed it. I'm surprised they paid for it. I mean, it's bad that they took it out in my name...but then it's kind of good that they made payments, and upped my would-be-nonexistent credit score, right? haha...ha.
Ok, related to identity theft, somewhere between the Air Force recruiter's office and my house I managed to lose my birth certificate. Really upsetting. I had it in my binder, I saw it there...but it must have fallen out. I didn't take it out or anything. Some illegal mexican probably found it, and is surely taking out more credit cards in my name as we speak. *sigh* The only good thing that happened today is that I took a practice ASVAB test, and I got a 99 on it. The recruiter was really excited. He was making fun of me for the one question I missed, lol.
Oh! Drew said he wanted to come spend the Christmas holidays with us!!! I really hope he can come out! I miss the silly boy...