Goodnight, sweet prince.

Aug 23, 2009 11:58

The vigil at Kinokuniya for Jasmine You was really nice. I'm glad I decided to go.

If nothing else, it was nice to be around friends, see some old faces and some new ones, just getting to TALK to other people about his passing... for me, I think that helped a lot. I want to think it did for others as well.

I'd say there was about 30 people there or so? Give or take. I was sitting up front, so I couldn't tell how many people were in the back.

3 people spoke: Misha, Kuri, and Roger.
Misha and Kuri are both from JRR. I had met Misha at Otakon, she was the Street Team leder. Kuri I had never seen before, so I didn't even know who she as at first. And Roger. Well. He explains himself. |D

They each talked about different experiences they had with Jasmine, and how he impacted them.

Misha talked mostly about the blog entry his family posted though, and some stuff that was written... but what I like to remember is the funny part. When Jasmine was a child, he liked jokes, so starting from middle school he kept a joke book. His family posted a TON of those jokes, and she read a few to us. It's mostly a play on Japanese words, but some of them really were funny! XD In that stupid kind of humor, that it's not really funny but it is, and I love that~ he wrote them a child too~ so that just makes it all the more fitting. :') ♥

Kuri spoke about meeting them when they just started in October 2007. She was introduced through their manager in Japan (she was there working at the time)... the part of her story I recall most is this. At the end of December, she had a birthday party (in Japan, I assume) and invited a bunch of people. She was friends with Versailles manager I guess, and invited her. ...well, Jasmine asked if he could go too. He had only met Kuri a few times, 2 or 3, but he wanted to go.

She said that not only did Jasmine attend her birthday party, but he stayed the entire time. He didn't just stay for a little while, have a drink and leave. He stayed for the whole thing. He tried to talk to everyone in the room, even though most of them only spoke English.

At one point in time, Jasmine was also able to meet someone he looks up to and admires very much. Kuri was there for that, and she just said how he really was like a child, just looking up to and being in awe by meeting his idol. She could not reveal who it was, but she stated later it was someone we were all familiar with. (With makes me think - who? First thought = Yoshiki, haha, but I don't know. I really...don't know.)

Roger's turn. He was introduced to Versailles via Matt. Matt showed him a picture of them, and Roger said, "Who are they trying to be, Lareine?!" (XDDD LOL. I LAUGHED AT THAT. XDDDDD) Haha, he found out then who they were. He then contacted their management in 2007 I guess, about wanting to do an interview with them and all that jazz. When they found out TR also did touring, they became interested in playing a convention in the US... and well, A-Kon. There you have it.

One night before the concert they all went out to a Texas steakhouse which I find in itself hilarious. XDDD Just picture that for a minute. ... :)

He mentioned some things he had said on Tainted Reality, like I previous posted.

Before the concert, when things were going wrong, and Roger was trying not to freak out, Jasmine came over to him and laid a hand on his shoulder and said something to him in Japanese... Roger didn't know what he said, his Japanese was not that fluent, but he understood the meaning. During the concert, Jasmine kept looking side stage and nodding to Roger to let him know things were okay. (Anyone who was there remember Jasmine looking to the side of the stage? Just wondering.)

Even after the tour, he said he and Jasmine still corresponded once in a while through e-mail. The last e-mail he sent though, well... first Roger just thought since they were major, they were busy and of course Jasmine couldn't answer...then he talked to their manager about what was wrong with Jasmine after hearing he was ill... then he found out the same time all of we did what had happened. :(

Then the floor was opened to anyone who wanted to speak. A few people did go up, and in my mind, I was ready to go up but... I couldn't. I'm not a good public speaker as was and... I don't know. I know I would've cried had I gone up front. But what I had wanted to say was this: (I'm ready to cry just writing this, FYI.) "The first time I saw Versailles at AUSA, my breath was taken away. Especially by Jasmine. Before seeing them... I honestly did not like him. I thought he was scary and creepy looking and... I didn't like him. But as I saw them walk out that door, Jasmine being the first for the Q&A... my breath was literally taken away, and that has only happened once before. I realized how beautiful he was... and it seems he was beautiful not only on the outside, but on the inside as well." or something. ♥

It was just really touching and almost a sense of closure to hear about Jasmine as a person. He seemed to be a very genuine person in all he did... he was...special. :')

Later, when we were just hanging around, Kuri and Roger said they'd answer any questions we had. Some things I remember was, "What type of beer did he like?" XD Lol~. Kuri said she never saw him drinking beer, but he always had a fruity colorful type drink... he liked mango (?) and... he held his glass very daintily. Very proper.
And if she had to describe him in one word, it would be butterfly. He was constantly evolving and changing and growing.

Oh! One of the random things Roger said. When they were at a resturant/bar/whatever in Texas, the Japanese staff people and band were talking and making jokes and laughing, and the American staff didn't understand... there was a jukebox. Roger told Yuki he'd put on the most metal song he'd ever heard and... Roger puts on Rick Astley. XDD The American staff all laugh and Yuki is just like, "...this isn't metal." And...that was the joke. XDDDDDD It was pretty funny the way it was told. [/random]

I am glad I went. I am glad I got to hear all this. I miss Jasmine, but I look forward to what Versailles will do next, when they are ready of course.

Until then.
Requiescat in pace et in amore, Jasmine You.

!public, versailles

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