BLOOD - Final Tour w/ GPKISM, DJ SiSen + echostream - February 2nd, 2009 @ Santos Party House, NYC

Feb 08, 2009 23:23

Ahhh, where to begin. The beginning sounds good, right~? XD

Got into Penn Station around 4:30, I have no idea how I made it through class that day, honestly. xDD

When I got off the subway, I expected to be wandering around for a good 20 minutes lost, then calling Aki to have her help me find the place, but as I got off, who do I run into but Flip!! ♥ ♥ She was asking for directions too, but together we managed to find the place in no time!!! \o/ It was awesome.

Got in line, found Aki right away, then met Shadow and J~ ♥ ♥ There was like, no one in line. XDD It was like 5pm by then, 2ish hours until doors? By then I expected there to be a lot of people, but nope~ Shadow was like the 3rd person in line or something, lol. Fun times in line. Fun times seeing all the usual people I see at Jrock shows. I love it. Seeing so many familiar faces always makes me happy. :)

We get in a little after 7pm, Flip goes in ahead with press/guest people, she's photographing/doing a live report for someone... I forget who. ^^;; But we get in and...everyone's just hanging around chilling~ it was so nice! It was a mission to find coat check, but I eventually did. Checked my coat and went to buy merch \o/

Got every Echostream CD, lol. XD They had a deal where buy the 2 albums + single and get a free poster, and it was such a good deal that I just bought it. XD Then over at the other table, with BLOOD + GPKISM stuff I bought a GPKISM mini-album, Sublimis, and BLOOD Best Of 2002-2007 album, and also got a free poster with a purchase of 2 CDs~ \o/ I went back to coat check to keep my posters safe. |D By then there were more people inside, but Shadow was already at the stage and I was right behind her. J joined us then too and she got to the stage, as she had a spiffy Nikon D60, so she needed to be close to get good pictures~.

Echostream were first~ :D ...we were on Tony's side, rather then Tomo's. |D;; It's okay though, Tony is cool. He totally rocked the keyboard!! He had a baby keyboard that he rocked out on, then he...abandoned it for the larger one. ;; Like leaving his wife for the mistress, as Shadow put it~ XDDD ♥

I really liked them, this was my first time seeing them, so I was excited. ^___^

They all performed very well, I thought. xD I don't have much else to say, other then that, but I don't~ they rocked. I'm glad I bought their CDs. Hope to see them again soon~!

Tomo really rocked out...! Like, completely went at it on his guitar! He was very intense, I noticed.

Ghost Tony and Tomo?!

(I will be doing another post with just pictures. Photobucket decided to resize these too much, and it's just really disorganized right now. >_<; So once I organize it, pictures!! ^^;;)

The crowd was really calm, nobody was really pushing or shoving, it was such a nice change. I loved it. I wasn't dying!! \o/

Not long after, it was really quick actually, GPKISM came out!!! :DDDD

Ken is so gorgeous, seriously. He's pretty. But a different pretty then Fu~ki is. More on that later.

FYI, Ken = GPK = Gothic Prince Ken. xD It's just easier to refer to him as Ken. ♥

I hadn't really listened to GPKISM before, but let's say, I was glad I bought their album as well!! Good stuff they have. I heard a few songs on their MySpace and thought I liked them, and I did. Sorta Malice Mizer-y.

Ken's shoes... the hells on those shoes...! o_o I swear, they rival Versailles's shoes!! XDDD

Kiwamu had huge platforms on too, he was on the other side though, so I couldn't get a picture of his shoes. |D

Ken's voice is just... alsdfjlksdlf. Amazinggggg. I love his voice. I don't think I realized it at the time, but all the lyrics are in English. I love his speaking voice and his Australian accent and his English and omg I love Ken. xDDD He speaks English like, fluently... which confuses me. But whatever, I'm not questioning it. Love it~.

I forgot to mention, but there was no barrier, just stage. I love that too. :D So I really didn't need to zoom in for any photos. o_O

He was that close when he bent down to sing to us, and let us touch him. xDD I touched his hand multiple times, and his glove thing. Not all that exciting, but hey~ it's cool. ^____^ Love for Prince Ken~.

Kiwamu was never on the left side of the stage for too long, so I didn't get many good shots of him, but I liked his GPKISM outfit. Kinda...bondage-y. |D

As they were leaving the stage and the curtain was closing, the mic stand near Kiwamu almost fell down. Like, literally, someone in the audience helped catch it and put it back up while Roger ran out to pull it back. |D;;;
That's really the only problem from the night though, no sound issues, nothing!! I was shocked! There's almost sound problems, but nope, everything worked flawlessly. o_o Props to someone for that.

Next was SiSen's set~ out comes his 4 dancers (yes, 4! XDD) and then SiSen himself!!

His area to DJ was up a bit, not right on the stage.

But it worked out, more room for dancing~ there were 2 dancers at a time, and half way through they switched.

Now...I've seen SiSen before at AnimeUSA. I knew I loved him. BUT I ENJOYED HIS SET SO FUCKING MUCH, ZOMG. ♥ Maybe because at AUSA I wasn't really a part of the raving, but rather, photographing, but... I had so much fun. 8D SiSen was just so much fun here~!

One thing that did bother me though. Right up front there were some girls who I swear couldn't have been more then 12. And they were fangirls to the extreme. There's a point where you cross the line, I feel, and they definitely crossed that line. >___>;;; And they were like 12. o_O And touching SiSen in places I WOULDN'T DARE TOUCH! Ugh, they just bothered me so much!! This is why I like how most concerts are 16+. Not saying there aren't fangirls who are 16, buttt. >_>;;; This club is actually usually 18 or 21+, so when we were going in the guard was like, "Everyone get your ID you, you need to be 18." but he was correctly quickly that this was all ages. :P Anyway. Annoying fangirls aside.

I love SiSen. 8DDDDDD I want to take him home and lock him in my basement and keep his cute for myself~. His boyfriend can come too. \o/ To keep SiSen happy. :3 *cough*

SiSen's outfit here was...much more revealing then his AnimeUSA outfit. Then again, at a con I guess he had to wear clothes. Here, however... XDDD Those pants barely covered anything, and his top... yeah. It says "SEX" on it, and you can see through the mesh. xD Awesome.

He had 3 female dancers and 1 male. I liked the guy. He was awesome. XDDD

SiSen had candy to give out, as usual, in his cute Alf bag. ...have I mentioned I love Sisen? I really do. He makes me want to rave. 8D

There were certain points I felt things went above a PG-13 rated, and not gonna lie, I loved it~ 8D SiSen gave candy to people from his mouth. Most people took it with their hands, but one girl took it from his mouth with her mouth. 8D If SiSen came over by me, and I could've taken candy from him, I would've done the exact same thing. 8D

I hope SiSen comes back again. I think he will. I'll definitely see him as long as he's on the east coast~. Don't care where, I'll go see him. :)

LOL oh hi Roger. XDD
Before BLOOD came out, Roger just laid down some rules.
..."As you know, this is BLOOD's final tour. So take as many damn pictures as you want!" XDDD Okay then~!!! "But don't take video or Kiwamu will take your camera and break it." ...:') Apparently Kiwamu has done that before soooo. I believed Roger. XDDD

Let me start off by saying. I am absolutely in love with Fu~ki now, and would've taken him home with me too if I could have. :'D

Fuki on vocals, Kiwamu on guitar, and GPK played keyboard.
Which confused the hell out of me at the time, but now I get that Kaede and Ryo of BLOOD just...didn't come. ._.; Okay then.

Kiwamu...scares me. :'D

Nottttt a fan of his outfit. :/

Hi Fuki~~~

They were that close. Like I said. |D They were right in our faces, it was amazing.
When Fuki was close up and reaching out, touching our hands, towards the end afterwards he would kinda pet someone on the head/ruffle their hair, and unless I'm mistaken, he did that to me when on our side. 8D I felt special, lol. |D ♥

I really like BLOOD now too... it's a shame they're disbanded. ;~; I have no idea what they played, so don't even ask me. I don't know BLOOD songs. :P But I enjoyed their set, I have no complaints. It seemed to last long enough, no complaints there. :D

Even though I was on the left side, and guitarists for all the bands were on the right, I don't feel like we were ignored at all. I feel like we almost got more attention! XD Fuki was always around, sometimes kneeling down, or reach out, so we could touch him. I touched his hand and his chest multiple times. XD Yayyy mesh shirt!

Fuki gorgeous. Fuki is like, natural pretty. He wasn't wearing much makeup, really, just eyeliner but... he has such a girl face. The long hair doesn't help that. xD But I think he's just really pretty. Prettier then Ken, for sure.

What else about BLOOD. Hm. They were just very good, and I am glad I got to see them one last time. :') I really wish Fuki wasn't retiring from music, I would definitely follow him in his next band. ;; Kiwamu is still doing GPKISM, so I'm hoping they come back to America eventually~! And bring SiSen with them. XDDD

This was not on purpose. ;_;

I think my favorite part of the night, though, was definitely the encore. ^________^


Fuki, Kiwamu, Ken, SiSen, Tomo, and Roger lurking in the background, refusing to dance with SiSen. ;;

Fuki and Ken danced with SiSen though. |D Kinda.

Then. The most epic part:

SiSen dancing up to Fuki, then:

Going down on him, and Fuki holding him down there!!!!!!!!! XDDDDD
*dies* ♥ I love my fandom~.

Shadow has video of this from the NYC show, she says~ I've see her video of this from the Boston show already and ZOMG. It so happened!!! XDDDD I thought maybe I imagined things but nope, IT HAPPENED AND IT WAS AMAZINGGGG~~~.

At one point when Fuki was leaning over the crowd then, Roger came up from behind and pushed him into the crowd, into crowd surfing. 8D

This happened twice, and Kiwamu even went over once too. XDDDDDD Except he had a hard time getting back to the stage. |D;;;;;;

Tomo came out too, carrying one of SiSen's toy light up guns!!! XD (At least, I hope it was SiSens. o_O;;;) And Tomo was on our side this time~!!!!!!!!!! Win!

Not intentional. ;;

Very intentional~! 8DDDDDDDD Hello SiSen's pants that cover nothing~.

It was epicness overall. I loved it. I totally needed that concert. I feel like it'll get me through this semester, since there really are no more upcoming concerts. But this one will make me smile for a long time. Just thinking of little moments. :')

Afterwards there was a signing, which was oddly very organized. o_O Whattttt! No sound problems, AND organization?!?!!?? WTF IS GOING ON HERE?!?!?

Lined up for autographs, that went went. Then as me and Aki left the table, SiSen showed up. |D Our luck. Fuki signed in this really wet marker though and I smuged it. >_>;;; Silly Fuki. And Kiwamu's marker was like, dead. |D;;;

From top left clockwise: Fuki, Kiwamu, and GPK <3

After autographs, we lined up again to get a picture with all of them~~~.

Ken was oddly close. I like it. 8D Fuki...looks like a girl. Love him. And SiSen~~~ :'D ♥ As I was walking away after that, smiling and going, "Thank you!" Sisen hit me on the head with his wand. x3

Echostream were over by their merch table too, which is where Shadow was hanging out, and I ended up having them sign the poster I got~ :3 ♥ Wheeee~

I made room on my walls for both of those. ♥

On the way home then, I had to transfer at Jamaica (booooo) and had to get from Track 6 to 8. me and someone else just walked though the train on Track 7. |D Idk how to get to Track 8 otherwise! ;;

...but IT WAS A DOUBLE DECKER TRAIN. SWEET! I'VE NEVER BEEN ON ONE OF THOSE BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDD It has 3 levels, actually, upstairs, main level, and down. I went up. :3

Sleepy Mei is sleepyyyyy~~~ |D

And my stack of CDs. The Fray included. 8D
Most are in my iTunes now, but I still need to import one of the echostream CDs. :3

So, like I said, good show. I had a lot of fun, and got to meet Shadow and J~! ♥ Yay meeting JRRers. 8D And see Aki and Flip again. :)

I'm going to be adding things as I remember them to this post. I'm doing it already as I think of things. |D I think I will do another small post, still, with larger pictures. I need to reupload to photobucket, because photobucket decided to resize these. ;; And, you know, these aren't the best photos. We all know I can take better photos, yes~? Flash washed out a lot of these... and the fog machine that was going didn't help. |D

Good show. Gonna miss BLOOD. Hope to see GPKISM and SiSen again. Definitely seeing Echostream again. :)

omg, concert report, concert: gpkism, jrock, concert: echostream, disbandment, oh fandom ilu, actually that's a guy, yay, do so want, nyc, omgthepretty, pictures, in ur flist spamin u, pretty boys are pretty, fangirl moment, concert: blood, blood, concert, concert: jrock, tainted reality

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