That night

Aug 01, 2005 16:59

That night

I arrose to the boat swaying to and fro, it was sort of making me nauses. I stumble over to the door to look out and see what is going on. It appears that strong winds and very large waves are smashing against the boat and the storm is hitting furiously. I stumble over to the table and sit down. Holding the table to keep me stable i grab an apple and try to eat it, considering i haven't eaten in a while. The Captian comes barging in and quickly shuts the door. "My Lady, I've come to see how you are doing and to ask you if i may join you for a bit." I replied "Well if you must, then you shall sit and have something to eat maybe?" He says "Thank you my lady, it seems that the storm is getting rather bad and we aren't able to dock until the storm has passed. So we must wait it out here and hope that the boat keeps steady. My men are working as hard as they can to keep us afloat and safe. So just try to relax and get some sleep if possible. I must go and attented to my duities now. I will be back in the morning to check up on you." He looks at me waiting for a reply from me but i just look at nod at him and look away. He leaves with an uncertain look on his face as if something is bothering him. I eat a little more and then head back to the couch and lay my head down looking at the cabin walls and then slowly drifting back to sleep so to sleep out the storm.
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