Feb 24, 2005 13:14
my auntie passed away. My Mum mentioned it today and I was like really? Time has flown, doesn't seem like two minutes ago that I was at her funeral. I think she was 55 when she passed, and although she had a few health problems it wasn't like we were expecting that to happen. She was on the phone to my grandma and said she didn't feel well, the phone line went dead and so after a few phone calls one of my cousins friends went round to check on her. He looked through the window and saw her slumped in her chair, he had to kick the door down - the ambulance came but she was already gone.
It was especially sad because my cousins lost their dad a couple of years prior to that, and now they were left without their mother. My cousin was marrying his fiancee only a few months after my aunite passed. My Grandma was devastated, she never expected to have to attend the funeral of any of her children (but that's how it goes isn't it).
She did a lot of nice things for me.
R.I.P Auntie Catherine.