OK if you don't have this go buy it!!!!!!!
It's nothing like Survivor (even tho I <3 their commercial pop TWOTW was just an amazing CLASSIC). Anywho if you wana listen to it just pop over to
www.mtv.com cos it's on the leak!!!
I love the old school feel of some of the tracks beautiful! Stuff like Is She The Reason, Girl and If! YAAAAY for old school feelings! Ps how hot is Ghetto Musik from OutKast? Lovin the Patti LaBelle interpolations on that track!!
Anyways if you want to make sweet sweet love to a track then let it be T-SHIRT!! woah *fans self* yes that is sexually fulfilled if you know what I mean! I dunno why Beyoncé is talking about 'After we make love (I sleep in your t-shirt)' - everybody know you don't bother puttin a t-shirt back on, you just fall asleep nekid!*
*except when it's winter maybe
Anywhooooooooo if you don't buy this album then I will not be your friend anymore!
pour the wine, make a wish, and blow out the candle light
peace out homies I have to get back to writing my friggin essay!