One of our wonderful Super Wiki editors MisterGlass has done a page
on all the Star Wars references on the show.
I really wanted to include a manip (it may also be a .gif) thats been around for ever from The Benders, where the guys are threatening Dean with lightsabres rather than a red hot poker, but my google-fu is failing me! Anyone got a copy? Also links to any fanworks crossing SPN with Star Wars would be great - i vaguely remember some awesome SPN/SW vids....
While I am on Wiki stuff this week we have a spotlight on Bobby. We have some great pages tracking Bobby's history on the show, the layout of his house, and the panic room - even his trucks and cars. Remeber when Jensen did that hot men's Fitness shoot int he junkyard? We got that too!
It's the San Francisco Con this weekend. The twitter tag is #sfcon and we'll be collecting
reports, pics and vids as usual.
We are still giving away SPN TV Guides on twitter - its been such fun and so far I've been able to send copies to fans in Germany, Ireland, England, Saudi Arabia and Mexico!
My hiatus goal for the Wiki is to get all the episode transcripts finished by the end of Jnuary so we can finally ahve transcripts up for every aired epsiode. There's half a dozen to do for Season 6 and a handful from older seasons too. I'll be putting out a call for volunteers soon, but if you're keen to do one or two, drop me a line.