again via
sloane_m's camera skills. From Jared and Jensen's joint session on Sunday.
At the end of his solo session Jensen had been asked about whether there was a movie he'd seen he would've liked to have been in...then Jared arrived (after some heckling from him) and Jensen answers with New York Minute. Also some of the continued hilarity of them chewing Fantales (caramels). Then a little kid asks Jensen about how he cried at the end of Heaven and Hell. Jensen and Jared both then talk about how the acting process works in emotional scenes. Love them talking about the process.
embarassment quick: low.
Click to view
also, for those who asked the DVD of the Con will be available to all for $40. That's Aussies dollars which as Misha kindly pointed out isn't worth much.
I have to say despite a few naff or dull fan questions as per usual, the boys managed to make silk purses out of sows ears. When asked another question about weird fan behavior (by fans I suspect desperate to find out if anyone is weirder than them), Jensen talked about how hard it is when confronted with a fan who cries, and if you comfort them they cry more and if you walk away you're an arsehole. And how its a difficult thing.