(no subject)

Nov 02, 2007 17:29

New interview with Lauren and Katie .No spoilers - but a WTF? on the Parmesan and popcorn combo!

Interview with Jensen with an Australian paper. No spoilers. but he is such a boy:

Ackles says the fun part of the job is chasing after demons and he does about 95 per cent of his own stunts.

“I do as much as I can. Just the other day, I was running down the alley, while getting shot at and I jumped up on the hood of a car, over the car on to a dumpster and jumped up in to a second storey apartment’s garage, while getting explosives popped off on my heels. But I love that stuff... We get banged up, with bruises and sore muscles or whatever, but nothing a little Tylenol (Panadol) won’t take care of.”

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