Title: Word of mouth
Author: missyjack
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Words: 871
Warnings: Wincest
Disclaimer:Everything, possibly including my imagination, is owned by some corporation.
Summary: Sam and Dean have their own sexy, dangerous language.
“Sticks and stones will break your bones,
But words can kill you dead or get your knickers wet
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Uh - I, um - whoah. Just. Yum? Wow? GUH.
The brothers have been injured by them, and the scars they left may take a lifetime to heal.
Ouchies. Only a few paragraphs in and my heart is breaking.
Sam and Dean have a language too, a language no other person speaks. Although it has a limited vocabulary, translation isn’t easy.
I like this - a very interesting concept. And all the translations are awesome (especially the one with Dean eating the last onion ring, just how it changes). I love them all (some made me grin, some made me want to cry).
Dean doesn’t see the sense in using big words. In fact he doesn’t see the need to use any words that can’t be found in Led Zeppelin lyrics.
EE! That's so perfectly Dean!
The Sam and Dean Phrase Book (fourth edition)
Okay, now SOMEONE has to write at least the first edition. Like, com'n, it's to great to pass up.
Sam never finds out the translation for I love you because every time he goes to say it, Dean kisses the words right out of his mouth.
*heart breaks into a billion little itty bitty pieces on the floor* Oh.
*loves you* You broke me.
P.S. Where are you getting your icons? *loves them*
P.S.S First comment, whoo!
P.S.S.S Yes, I think you did have a weird childhood.
Please have my last onion ring. Thanks for your lovely generous words. This piece was fun to write. Great idea about the first book of the phrase book - there's a wee!Winchester story there (happy for anyone to work on that)
BTW icons are the brilliance of alazysod based on the work of deirdre_c who wrote the funniest thing ever: 20 things Sam WInchester isn't allowed to do .
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