Title: Happy Happy Joy Joy
Rating: pg-13
Genre: gen
Words: 241
Disclaimer: Kripke owns everything
Summary: Sam and Dean search for some joy.
Author’s Note:
ellispsisblack noted how many depressing drabbles were written in response to the drabble prompt Joy.
Yes, this fandom loves to look on the bleak side of life.
So here it is: Supernatural fandom brings you new! improved! JOY with added Darkness and Angst. May contain traces of Despair.
Sam and Dean stood over the burning bones. They belonged to a young woman who, when alive, had loved puppies and bunnies. A tragic death at the hands of an unfaithful lover had turned her into a vengeful spirit who made the puppies and bunnies do unspeakable things to each other. But she was destroyed now, the burning of her bones sending her sweet soul to hell for an eternity of torment.
“Don’t you ever get sick of this Dean?” asked Sam, flicking the yak-like mop of hair from his eyes.
“What - burning shit?” said Dean, peering at his brother through luscious long lashes.
“No, the unremitting bleakness of our lives,” clarified Sam, “I mean I’m still racked grief over Jess’ death and consumed by the need for revenge. I’m ambivalent about returning to hunting and Dad gives me the shits. I am tormented by guilt because I may be responsible for everything due to my special yet vague powers. Not to mention my moral anxiety over our on-going, kinky, occasionally non-consensual, yet satisfying incestuous relationship. And you’re emotionally crippled because of Mom’s death and your on-going need for validation by our possibly alcoholic, abusive, obsessive father. Don’t you ever long for just a moment of joy?”
Dean stared, haunted, into the flames, his too beautiful lips quivering slightly.
“I don’t know about joy Sam, but there are some Hell’s Angels in the next county who can get us some Ecstasy cheap. Will that do?”