The SuperanturalWiki is back online!
Last week the Wiki was taken offline by our webhost as we were exceeding the memory/bandwidth limit on our VPS (virtual private server). I had know that the Wiki would outgrow the VPS which we've been on for 2 years but it came quicker than I expected and so unfortunately we went offline while options were explored!
We have now moved to our very own dedicated server - our own piece of hardware we can draw blood sigils on! This means the Wiki will have be able to grow and be faster and more reliable. It also means we can make a mobile version of the site.
This has cost $ of course, and its been money thats had to be paid upfront, rather than monthly thru the year.
We are asking fandom for donations thru an Indiegogo campaign. This will pay for the server for 12 months as well as associated sysadmin costs, including getting the mobile version of the site up and running.
If you can, a donation would be appreciated, or you can help spread the word that the SuperWiki is up and running and needs fandom's support.