Quick update...for that is all I have time for

May 30, 2005 00:41

School is moving along nicely. In my last class for my Associates. I graduate in August but don't have the money to walk, so I'll get my degree in the mail. Part of me wants to quip "Walking is over rated!" Another part of me wants to cry because this is the first step in one of the biggest accomplishments of my life...guess I'll hold out until I get my Bachelors to actually walk. Let this accomplishment pass without much recognition or praise like much of my life.

My sister is due in on my 31st birthday...a.k.a., this coming Thursday. Is my house clean? No, it's a train wreck. Is my kid helping me? Very little. Do I want to bomb the whole thing and drive away? Yes!

I'm tempted to shove everything in my son's room and close the door. Replace his "Caution" crime tape across the door and be done with it. Only problem with that is I will still have to clean his room one day. Poor kid lacks cleaning skills...let's blame that one on me too, shall we?

Work is work. Got a whopping 50 cent an hour raise...which is still considerably less than I'm worth, but I look at it this way, the experience that I'm getting is priceless and the people I work with actually have brains in their heads and that is worth a lot.

I'm toying with the idea of painting again. It's been so long that I think I may have forgotten how. But I think I'm going to make myself a space in the back of the living room where my drafting table is and start again. My sister has been nagging me for years to paint for her. She lives in this delusional world that I'm a kick ass artist with mad skills. I maintain that I'm ok, but enjoy looking at my own work...for the most part, that is.

Ok, that is all for now. I would promise more to come, but my days so often run into one another that a month has gone by before I realize that I haven't posted anything or even logged on to LJ.
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