birthday plaaaaaaaaaaaaans!

Jun 15, 2005 12:02

hello hello!

so ive been thinking about my birthday which is in one month exactly JULY 15
i want to do something really fun but dont have much money at the same time. here are the things ill be doing for sure:

going to dinner somewhere
going to see Charlie and the Chocolate FAcotry as it opens on my birthday

and if possible going somewhere at midnight when it turns to the 16th to get the new harry potter book

ideas i had include getting a limo to to boston or providence to see the movie in IMAX then going to some bars or a club- kim or someone else- are there any clubs you know of that are "18 to party 21 to drink" in boston on fri nights? then all my friends could go. if everyone pitched in a little $ it wouldnt be that much for anyone and no one would have to drive! ideally i would get the stretch escalade my friend michelle did that for her bday and she said it was great.

oooooooooor we could jsut get the limo see the movie and come back and have a party at some nice friends apt (volunteers?).
oooooooooooor we could not get limo and just ahve a party at some nice friends apt

so anyway, if you have any ideas let me know or if you wnat to volunteer, alsooooooo MAKE SURE YOU KEEP JULY 15 CLEAR BC YOU ARE COMING UP HERE! PLAN YOUR TRIPS NOW! ok thanks
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