this is a long one

Apr 15, 2004 19:10

well, i have one of these questionier thingys again. its really long so if you wanna just skip to the bottom about how my day was and stuff, you can.

What's your name: Lindsey
Age: two digits
Gender: female
Height: 5'5
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: looks black but if you look really close its brown.

Movie: drop dead gorgeous
TV Show: That 70's Show, The Family Guy, and law and order
Actor: umm...tommy lee
Actress: umm...sandra bullock
Food: pizza, chicken
Drink: chocolate milkshake, water
Store: urban outfitters
Clothing Brand: LeCoste, paul frank, hurley
Friend: andrew, jill, neneh, lindsay, husam and so on...
Aunt: aunt concetta
Uncle: uncle scott
Cousin: jay and scotty
School Subject: art
Song: thats a toughy, i really like styrofoam plates, wannabe, drive, etc etc.
Singer: hmmmm....
Band: metallica, incubus, system of a down, red hot chilli peppers, so on and so forth
Video Game: kingdon hearts, testdrive, need for speed, crazy taxi...
Room in your house: the only room in my apartment, since its a studio
Color: wicked
Boy's Name: seth
Girl's Name: skye
Candy: reeses pieces
Car: mustang convertible
Vacation Spot: dominican republic, long island
Simpsons Character: homer
Osbournes: ozzy, even thouhg i cant understand a word he's saying
Season: fall/spring
Day of the week: saturday
Time of day: 3:20, school lets out!

Current mood :: really tierd and bored.
Current music :: no music
Current taste :: peanut butter
Current hair :: spikey
Current clothes :: black paul frank shirt, grey terry cloth pants, pink and white vans, purple victoria secret bra, white hanes undies
Current annoyance :: being so tired and bored
Current smell :: nothing
Current thing I ought to be doing :: homework
Current desktop picture: stone henge, or hedge
Current favorite band :: yeah yeah yeah's even though i only heard one of their songs
Current book :: havent read in a long long time which is pissing me off
Current cd in stereo :: dont have a stereo
Current crush :: andrew
Current favorite celeb :: brad pitt, seeing as to im going to see him!
Current hate :: alina

Smoke? :: no
Do drugs? :: no
Have a dream that keeps coming back? :: cant remember. i dont remember all my dreams.
Read the newspaper? :: no
Have any gay or lesbian friends? :: not ones that have come out
Believe in miracles? :: sure
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? :: its possible
Consider yourself tolerant of others? :: most of the time. depends on if i dislike you a lot.
Consider love a mistake? :: no
Like the taste of alcohol? :: some of it
Have a favorite candy? :: Reeses.(pieces or cups)
Believe in astrology? :: umm....sure why not.
Believe in magic? :: not really
Have any pets? :: nope
Go to or plan to go to college? :: dont want to, but have to
Have any piercings? :: 3 in one ear, 4 in the other. more to come.
Hate yourself :: no
Have an obsession? :: not that i know of
Have a secret crush? :: no
Do they know yet? :: um, duur
Care about looks? :: of course
Ever been in love? :: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? :: yeah
Do you believe in "the one?" :: yup
Describe your ideal significant other :: funny, sweet, good looking but doesnt have to be, laid back but also fun, taller or the same hieght as me

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing? :: besides swimming, no.
Have you ever been intoxicated? :: have i? maybe
Height :: umm...didnt i already answer that?

Bought :: peanut butter cookie
Ate :: peanut butter cookie
Drank :: gatorade
Read :: IMs
Watched on tv :: law and order

Coke or Pepsi: Coke
Marines or Army: Marines cuz my daddy was in them
Army or Navy: navy
Air Force or Coast Guard: air force
Apu or Homer: Homer
Jessica or Nick: nick
Couch or Sofa: difference?
Mountain Dew or Cherry Coke: Do the Dew
Wal-Mart or K-Mart: kmart, doot doot
Target or Wal-Mart: Target.
Macy's or Bloomingdale's: hate macy's, never been in bloomingdales.
Kauffman's or JCPenny: neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: coco
Republican or Democrat: democrat
Politics or Don't Care: Don't care
Football or Soccer: both.
Baseball or Football: football
Hockey or Lacrosse: hockey
Mall or Movies: mall, theres movies inside them
Theater or Theatre: theater
Canada or France: they are both french speaking places, but i wold have to say france
Car or Truck: car
War or Peace: Peace
Action or Romance: Romance
Cat or Dog: cat
Rat or Mouse: Mouse
Bird or Rabbit: Bird
Hamster or Guinea Pig: Hamster
Carnival or Fair: fair
Airplane or Taxi: Airplane
City or Countryside: Big City
High School or College: high school
club or houseparty :: Houseparty
drinks or shots :: shots
cats or dogs :: umm...i already answered this
single or taken :: taken.
pen or pencil :: pen.
gloves or mittens :: Gloves
food or candy :: Food
cassette or cd :: CD
coke or pepsi :: coke
this or that :: this

kill :: no one
look like :: no one
be like :: no one
avoid :: alina

talked to :: cramps
hugged :: dont member
instant messaged :: andrew

eat :: restaurants
cry :: private places, mostly in my bed
wish you were :: with andrew

Dated one of your best friends? :: no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? :: yes
Drank alcohol? :: yes
Done drugs? :: no
Broken the law? :: yes
Run away from home? :: no
Broken a bone? :: no
Played Truth Or Dare? :: who hasnt
Kissed someone you didn't know? :: yes
Been in a fight? :: no
Come close to dying? :: yes

The most embarrassing CD in your collection? :: avril lavigne
Your bedroom like? :: dont have one
Your favorite thing for breakfast? :: bagel with cheese or ceral
Your favorite restaurant? :: vermecellis so far
What's on your bedside table? :: dont have on
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? :: nothing
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? :: its not a secret, a walk to remember and, sam i am.
What is your biggest fear? :: dying
What feature are you most insecure about? :: being fat, having fucked up teeth, b.o.
Do you ever have to beg? :: no
Are you a pyromaniac? :: not really
Do you know anyone famous? :: yes
Describe your bed :: twin sice, has animals on it, my sheets are light blue, and covers are dark blue, and the surrounding part is wood
Spontaneous or plain? :: depends
Do you know how to play poker? :: no
What do you carry with you at all times? : my cell, make up, and wallet
How do you drive? :: i dont
What do you miss most about being little? :: being bale to do whatever you wanted
Are you happy with your given name? :: very
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? :: no amount could make me do that
What color is your bedroom? :: dont have one
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself? :: most of the time
Do you think you're cute? :: sorta
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? :: sometimes
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? :: yup
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? :: friends
have you ever been caught "doing something?" :: what do you mean?
Are you a tease? :: no
Shy to make the first move? :: no

Rubber :: ball
Punk :: me
Green :: marker
Peanut :: reeses
Wet :: rain
Hay :: farm
Cold :: in here
Steamy :: mirror
Freaky :: actions
Rain :: wet
Bite :: food

hot damn that took a long time. ok well, today i wnet to school, then the gym, then the dermotologist and got my zits removed, and now im here. the end.
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