To Do

Nov 04, 2011 21:49

1: reorganize my bookshelf and do something with the novels I have finished reading so the book case looks less likely to collapse.
2: clean kitchen.
3: skein some yarn to sneak dye with some natural dyes to add to my collection.
4: finish up weaving monday and tuesday, maybe early weds at latest.
5:get the craft reader and work on my questions for seminar
6: sunday, get newspaper for first of the month coupons. then get some grocery shopping done so I can eat something other then ramen. (its all I have LEFT)
7:visit fashion library and start on that indigo paper for art history.
8: win back the heart and affection of my lost lady-love.
9: make kimchi?
10: do something about these allergies. I'm running a fever, my eyes and throat are gritty and my head is stuffy.
11: work on the colors for my from scratch sweater pattern. (I shall refer to it as my aviator sweater)
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