(no subject)

May 07, 2010 17:01

I miss columbus. I miss the restaurants and groceries in columbus. and the bus system.
but I like the teachers and the program here, tho I think getting into the grad program in the fall isn't terribly likely if I keep having issues getting my osu transcripts.
um, for the most part the busy part of everything is done. three final critiques next week, and I just need to take some photos of rose my accessories to finish it out. I think I have a sinus infections.
family is bugging me to hang out with more family, which I guess I should. I have a birthday next weekend, but I doubt I'll do much for it.
I'm taking two classes this summer, painting and ceramics. going to weave in the studio in my free time, yay for stuff that isn't graded. dunno. sorta feeling like I just spinning my wheels again. I'll go to the sushi shop after all my crits on tuesday and hang out with cloud and get noms.
dunno, if anyone wants to come up here to hang, or wants something woven, lemme know.

aaaaaand there's a tornado warning for my county. whee.
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