(no subject)

Jun 09, 2009 13:45

I am unbelievably tired. been cleaning my room out, throwing out old clothes and shit, finding old rps and drawings and rp notes... got depressed, but I'm going to recycle the paper for the paper making project. made me miss alot of people.
taking a short break before I do some laundry and try cleaning out some more stuff. my clothes are all folded and put away, including the underware drawers, some baskets of paper and notebooks cleared out, under the bed is nice... now to at least tackle the huge pile of stuff in the middle of my room . if I can at least get that done today, I would consider it a pretty decent work day

still, alot of people I miss, but if they haven't contacted me... I guess they don't want to talk to me. they don't miss me that much. ah well.
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