Birthday Wishes...

Jun 16, 2009 19:53

Happy Birthday Bea!!!!!!!!!!! Many more sweetie!!!
That is first and foremost..

Let's see.. the last few months have been crazy, hectic, tiring, and wonderful!

I'll start off with I'm the worse mommy.. or so I thought.
About a month or so ago, I almost killed 2 of my cats. It was NOT done on purpose by no stretch of the imagination!!!! Anyone that knows me.. know what the cats mean to me and know that I've always (and always will) put them before myself. Well being on a budget sucks big time. (We've all got to do it though.) So, instead of paying the vet to put on the flea medicine, I put it on. No problems there, except it was the stuff for the DOG! OMG OMG OMG! I panick after I figure out why my cats are acting like they are stoned. (I hear that it was almost like a person doing acid and having a reaaaaly bad trip.) I call the emergency vet. "Sure, bring them in. For IV fluids and over night visit it's going to be about 400.00 each cat." (Insert Kimmy almost pissing herself here.) I don't have that kind of money. OMG what am I going to do? Call friends/family. Wiped off as much as I could. Got to work. A "poor" joke was made by a friend who did not know that they were in as bad of shape as they were in. (Insert Kimmy crumbling and breaking down and sobbing here.) "Ok.. have you shaved them? Where you put the medicine have you shaved it?" "No." "Go home. Shave the general area where you put it on. If you get more than just the area, then no big deal." "OK." (In comes a co-worker into the office. His aunt is a vet tech.) "Kimmy sweetie.. what's wrong?" (Insert blubbering and crying but him still understanding what I was saying here.) "Let me call my aunt and see what she says ok?" "Ok"
Calls auntie. Auntie says "get them to the vet if you can. If not shave them and bathe them in DAWN dish soap." Ok. Dawn I can do. Bathe them... well hell. Get home where shaver and Dawn is waiting for me. Held TigerBoo and soaked him in Dawn. (He was so sick, he just layed there and let me bathe him.) Ok. As SOON as that Dawn hit him and we washed him.. instant change! His eyes (which were nothing but black pupils) changed instantly. He started looking better instantly. (Insert tears of happines, joy and relief here.) Then came BaggieButt's turn. He sat there and let us shave him easily. (As soon as we did that, he started looking better. Then we put the Dawn on him. Again.. instant change! (Insert more tears of happiness here.) We think that BaggieButt will have a permenant "twitch" (almost as if he has stepped into something wet) but other than that, they are doing great!!! YEAH DAWN! I have wrote to them and told them my story. I got a letter back from a lady saying that she couldn't wait to tell the rest of her team!

After that little episode... I didn't think that it could get worse. It did. At 7:10am a couple of weeks ago, I had just pulled into work. I heard my car alarm go off. Yep. They were there to reposses it. Crap! I knew I was a little behind... but did not think that they would reposses it for the couple of payments past due. Well long story short, I now OWN the car. They repossesed it at 7:25am, I had it paid off by 12:30 that day. Picked it up the next day. (Wanted it to be that day.. but I didn't realize that the repo guy was nothing but a big fat liar!!!! Jerk!!! I had to go over to Longwood to pick it up! UGH!

Things can't get worse I say. WRONG! (Insert a large hearty laugh here!) I decided that I wasn't going to take care of myself like I should and ignore the ear ache and the sinus preasure. Wrong wrong wrong thing to do! I wound up with vertigo and being sick. Nothing like the ground flying up at you to make you want to puke every time you move! I scared the poor MA at my doctors office. (Tell me to get on the scale... humph.. I'll just almost pass out on you!! LOL!)

I have tried to keep a good sense of humor about everything and look on the bright side for everything. It's what has kept me going. (That and my "Zoo" here.) If you want to know what is in my zoo... ask me and I'll send the list to you! LOL!

Hope everyone is doing great!
"Brat" and "Babies"
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