Sour Candy Endings

Feb 07, 2010 15:27

Missybinx Tweets:

missybinx ....I can't deal with it no more. Seriously.
about 1 hour ago from web

missybinx I just can't shake that monster off my back. Just when you think that an issue was settled you find yourself back in the eye of the storm
about 1 hour ago from web

I seriously can't deal anymore. More like I refuse to deal. I don't wanna try. Just when I was starting to get over an issue, it just comes out of nowhere blindsiding me and tackling me back to the starting line- once again.

I just don't understand. Where you're coming from? Why you feel like you have to do this to me?!...mainly...Why you're doing this to me? Do you think I am capable of smiling when I hear the sound of your voice, after everything?

As if I haven't been going through enough personal issues that I had decided to put on the backburner. You insist to be that knife that just keeps cutting deeper.

Let's just have all my issues gather around me and attack me all at once. Why not.. it's a new fucking year. Why not make it worth it's problems. Let's do it. For Fucks' sake.
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