why are some people so boring???

Jan 11, 2004 00:06

so yeah, sometimes i just wonder.... how did certain people pop out with such a lack of personality?

maybe i am being mean, but you bore me ... to death! right now im still laughing because #1 girl boxers.. ooohh feeling on my bootay! they comfy as fuck. i just love feeling my bare naked ass! (yeah as if you said that mate)
#2 PUSS - just the word puss, everything about it! go to sleep with my hand resting... yeah ok ok calm down bas! dont know roo but hey, shave that cha cha - cos it cracked me up!
#3 i dont have work tomorrow, so consequently a lot of number 2 can go down! PUSS!
#4 im looking fine, i know you are not meant to say that yourself! but i just looked in the mirror and thought - looking good laura, looking good!
#5 i have a new bedroom awaiting my next visit up north - yorkshire gold makes me feel all tingly inside! spank that hard! please thanky! ok now dance!

but anyway - work was a pile of shit today! margret the old bitch needs to retire or die, just stop pissing me off! look woman if i want a baked potato on my break i will have one! okkkk. and dont even try to say you saw me drinking the dregs out of left over pint glasses, cos if i was that bothered i would just stick my head under the beer pumps and drink anyway! FOOL! i need to get a photo of this old lady, she looks just like a troll - a squished up ugly face, minus the spikey hair! shes going bald, silly granny!

i need to go to bed - i ate too much leftover chinese! poor folk you will understand the leftover love! tasted good at the time though....

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