May 01, 2004 16:50
so last night was fun! me ashley kira jeromy and his friend (dont know his name)all went to the movies to see man of fire i think the name of it was..jeromy picked it out!! it was so long that movie and it was the beginning was boring but when it got to the end of it..then it got interesting!! After the movies ashley and kira slept over! ashley fell asleep early like always and me and kira wanted to put whip cream on her but damn it... we didnt have any! but we did try to tell her that she was the winner again and that she won the bet!! lol!! Overall i think it was a pretty good night!
The only thing thats kinda bothering me right now is something that i did a little while ago that a lot of people is STILL talking about which people shouldnt b/c its not a big deal..but anyways one of my bestest friends is kinds still mad at me for doing it and its kinda bothering me. we dont even talk alot anymore the way we used to and that upsets me a lot because i fell like im losing something really big in my life which i kinda am and i dont know how to get it back. if i could go back and change what i did i would just so that that best friend wouldnt be so upset with me the way she is. ive tried to talk with her but the more i talk with her i fell the more she gets mad at me about the whole thing! and i really dont get why everyone is still talking about the whole damn thing still i mean come on its been a while now since its happened just drop it seriously! and im sorry to that best friend of mine if you read this i want you to know that if i knew that it was going to upset you this much i wouldnt have done it my friendship means so much more than what i did!<33