Apr 22, 2005 17:41
This doesn't mean I can't balance a checkbook or anything like that. This comes from people holding onto checks for months and then cashing them after I've forgotten about them and the money is no longer in my account.
At any rate...
Anyone got about $700 that I can borrow til the end of summer (more like mid-September, but details can be discussed)?
All of my problems right now would be GONE with $700 to head me off from now til September. I don't want to ask my uncle for money again because he was soooo awesome about giving me $500 last time I really needed it. I'd rather keep him out of it as much as I can.
Anyway, if you're feeling charitable and willing to help me know that a) you WILL get paid back in September and b) you can charge me interest if you want.
-A desperate, independent, my-parents-don't-give-me-shit college student