* Reply to this message telling me which of the following 30 artists you have also seen.
* Take the ones from my list that you have seen, and post them in your own LJ.
* Add more until you have 30.
(the first seven were what I saw that
the_z_continuum has also seen, the rest were all me)
1. Gary Tunstall
2. MTU Wind Symphony
3. Echoes From Heaven Gospel Choir
4. Keweenaw Syphony Orchestra
5. MTU Huskies Pep Band
6. MTU Jazz Lab Band
7. MTU R&D Jazz Band
8. Nickelback
9. Korn
10. American Hi-Fi
11. Simple Plan
12. Our Lady Peace
13. Three Days Grace
14. Seether
15. Shinedown
16. Train
17. The Hypocrites
18. Anarkinda
19. Melanie Joy Beck
20. Bo Harbison
21. Techmo Super Bowl
22. Jane Monheit
23. Ruth's Hat
24. Stroke 9
25. Matchbox 20
26. Chrissy Bischoff (even if she only sang to us in the car, I'd like to think of listening to her sing for free as a momentous occasion)
27. ¡Cubanismo!
28. Blues Breakers
29. MTU Concert Choir
30. SR-71
other local bands I can't think of the names of
Edit; People I forgot:
Three Doors Down
Pisst-Off Androids