(no subject)

May 11, 2008 19:03

I havn't posted for a while so i decided it was time... i did intend to post on friday night but alas i did not

so since the last time i posted I have found a job and been out and about plenty
2 weekends around my cousin Chloe came down to visit
she got lost on her way here... she somehow missed the M25.. we don't know how
the next day she went to have her colours done and the lady doing it had forgotten plus she was a bit batty
i was used as an example of what she couldn't wear... we are pretty much exact opposites, so apparently i can wear bright colours
went shopping with her after and bought some shirts and stuff 
then we went to see Romeo and Juliet that night, which was pretty good, except the thearte seats were highly uncomfortable
the guy playing Romeo totally flashed the people down the bottom who were sitting at stage level... was quite hilarious
then on the tuesday after i had an interview in topshop for concession sales for Rare
got a call back the next day telling me i had to go for a store approval the following week
that was fine at the time but once it got to the next week it was driving me batty
so last weekend there was people over for 'lunch' which ended up being at about 4pm 
i made chocolate fondants which turned out pretty well actually 
i was worried that they werent going to cook properly but they did
so by thursday i was going a bit mental but i went for my store approval and did indeed get approved 
then i was offically offered the job which was a relief
I have to go for training tomorrow which is daunting but should be fine
I really dont want to get up at some ridiculous time so i can be there for 8:50 but ill do it of course
so then i bought myself something nice on thursday :P
i went to camden on friday and bought some new sunnies and a new handbag and then got food poisoning... thanks dodgey chinese food
so i spent most of friday night in be.... the other time throwing up over the loo which was highly grose but i figured u wanted to know lol
last night i took susan and crispin and crispins mum joan out for dinenr to this french bistro where they pretended they were french just to be odd
now there is people over for lunch again today which is highly boring but fine
anywhoo thats all for now

shopping, london, work

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