Feb 01, 2008 22:53
I'm unemployed again
which is highly annoying
fecking David Jone's wankers
lol no not really my contract was up and tehre just wasnt a position available
well okay there was and they gave it to the suck up people but whatever
so I have to find another job before i leave
or at least work out how i can make some money
i was thinking i could sell some paintings but that would involve me finishing them
and i dont kow whether im actually capable of doing that
my muse tends to come out at really unexpected times and its usually when i dont have time to do anything creative
so i guess ill see what happens over the next couple of weeks with all of that
I still need to organise my visa stuff... which quite frankly is doing my head in
i have to go up to syd once i have it done to get finger printed and whatever
least its an excuse to go to syd other than cause i need a haircut :P
i had how many days it is till i leave in my msn name the other day and i had to take it down
it was just making it seem faster
which is a good and bad thing
good cause im so excited
but bad cause i have so much to get done
its 60 days on sunday until i leave and those 60 days are gunna go so quick
stay tuned for the hilarity of me stressing :P